Max was born and raised in Dixon. Although he attempted to escape to the big city, he eventually succumbed to his deep appreciation of small communities and returned to New Mexico in 2006. He is a musician who plays in many local bands; co-owner of Gizmo Productions, a web development and marketing company; a founding member of KNCE True Taos Radio; and he helped develop LiveTaos.com. His kitchen counter is usually dusted in flour, his house is a chaotic hub of constant creation, and his car is always a mess, but he’s OK with it because he gets to play music, fly fish, climb, ski, cook, bake, garden, adventure, tinker, and create.
He knows this project doesn’t work without the love and dedication the DJs put into their shows and the listeners who are willing to patiently let KNCE push the limits of radio. Thank you.
Other KNCE Partners:
Kevyn GilbertSales
John HendersonProgramming
Jerry SchwartzProgramming
Rita O’ConnellCommunications
Howie RoemerAdmin