Election Day is November 6. 

KNCE encourages you to exercise your rights and VOTE! 


Early Voting in Taos

Early voting has started, and continues through November 3rd at Taos County Courthouse, 105 Albright Street, Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm. Early voting has also expanded to Questa, Penasco and the old National Guard Armory on Blueberry Hill from 10am to 6 pm, Tuesday through Saturday.

Absentee Voting

You can request an absentee ballot online at nmvote.org, at the County Clerk’s office or by calling 575-737-6400.

Election and Candidate Informati

There are a lot of online resources to help you make your voting decisions before you even get to the ballot box. Check out NMVote.org and Ballotpedia for a start, or have a conversation with your friends and neighbors about who they’re voting for and why.

Taos County Sample Ballot

Study up on this sample ballot so you know what expect when you get to the voting booth!